About Svanir
Svanir is the local scout group in the neighbourhood of Álftanes in the town of Garðabær. It is a member of the Icelandic Boy and Girl Scout Association (http://skatar.is/), the WOSM and WAGGGS recognised scouting organisation in Iceland.
Contact information
Address: Þórukot – 225 Álftanes
Tel: +354 555 6877
Fax: +354 895 6877
Email: svanir@svanir.is
Svanir offers weekly activities for cubs (8-9 years) , scouts (10-12 years) and explorers (13-15 years) from September to May every year, as well as summer camps.
Svanir runs the “Álftanes Adventure School” which offers week long outdoor courses for all kids in Álftanes, scouts and non-scouts, during summer.